
Women In Romeo And Juliet

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Long ago, women were considered to be a weaker sexe, and were expected to obey their husbands.The upper classes arranged marriages for their Daughters,which often married very young.shakespeare kept and challenged the weaker sexe stereotype in all his female characters, found in “Romeo and Juliet”, where women were objects in men’s eyes, resulting in a specific stereotypical expectation regarding women in the play,which reminded us that the character of juliet did in fact ignore all of those superstition, by rebelling against her family, with all that in mind, brings us to talk about the role of women in “Romeo and Juliet”. Throughout the play, men had the upper hand when it came to the relationship and women were considered a conquest for …show more content…

Overall she is telling juliet not to talk to her because she is not going to say a word, and to do what is ask for her to do, Because she is done with her.”. That part of the play showed the obedient side of Lady Capulet, for sticking with her husband during this argument, as a result juliet threatens to kill herself and starts rebelling against her family, for the lack of support she …show more content…

In (3.5.160-167), where we can see what her father thinks of her,after she makes slight adjustment to her character's personality . “Hang thee, young baggage,disobedient wretch! I tell thee what: get thee to church a’Thursday, or never after look me in the face. Speak not, reply not, do not answer me! My finger itch.Wife, we scarce thought us blest That God had lent us but this only child, but now I see this one is one too much, and that we have a curse in having her. Out on her, hilding! To summarise Capulet is telling Juliet that she is worthless,she’s disobedient and if she is not at the church on Thursday,she can’t look at him, reply to him, or talk to him. He want’s to slap her. And later on turns to his wife and tells her that they thought they were blessed by having only one child, but now they see her as a curse. And then Capulet ends by saying that she is a worthless creature. All in all Juliet risked being dishonored by her family in order to be with Romeo. With this in mind Juliet have a lot of bravery and independence considering women at that time did not have that sort of courage, and accepted whatever were thrown their way submissively and obediently.but Juliet took the situation under her own hands and created her own

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