
Wolf's Oppression Of 'The Beauty Myth'

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Beauty Myth= Woman’s physical perfection that has modern women feel self-conscious, self-hatred, and trapped in a spiral hope trying to fit into society’s definition of beauty.
The Beauty Myth is about how women have gained rights and recognition compared to before, but nowadays is feeling physically worse about them. The book isn’t primarily about women getting paid more than they already are nor the educational opportunities, but it is about women not looking down on themselves and having their beauty based off what’s seen as attractive at the time. Wolf believes that fashion industries, magazines, and pornography are what’s exploiting women and making them feel so bad about themselves. Due to these exploitations, she believes that’s the …show more content…

“Well, feminine, but not too feminine, then (Wolf 390).” What exactly does that mean? So a woman can wear a skirt to work, but she has to make sure it doesn’t look seductive in any way? Is that what it means, because I’m not exactly sure. The problem with that quote is that, it’s restricting the genders distinction. If a woman wants to wear a professional looking dress to work because she believes it looks good, then she should be given the right to. If the dress isn’t inappropriate in any way, but is seen as a problem due to being too feminine, that’s society’s problem, not hers. Woman should be able to express their professionalism through their outfits without being seen as a joke nor should that determine whether they be sexually harassed or …show more content…

Whether it’s Christianity, Buddhism, Islam, etc. many people have some sort of faith. “The postindustrial feminization of religion did not, however, give women religious authority. “The Puritans…worshipped a patriarchal God, but…women outnumbered men in the New England Churches,” writes historian Nancy Cott in The Bonds of Womanhood…(Wolf 91).” A few religions are big supporters of equality for everyone, no matter what gender or race. The problem with that though, is that not all religions agree with that view, but that shouldn’t stop women from being not equal. I understand that some nations are just primarily one religion, but not everybody agrees with it. Women have a right to be given the same respect as men. In America, we don’t base laws off of one religion, so what I don’t understand is why are women not being given equal treatment here? Is it because they believe that it’ll upset other religions, or because they just don’t see women nearly as strong nor intelligent as man? For me, if religions have/are opening up to women being seen as equal, then why can’t the nation? Changing a whole religions view of hierarchy is just the same as doing so for a nation, so the government can’t say that it’s

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