
Wit With Sans Soleil

Decent Essays

This film is about a woman that narrates writings of a world traveler that is focusing on Japan. Chris Marker allows his brain and camera roam through the early 80’s Japan, and his imagination flow across the world. Memory, history, and emotion blend into a loving study of human existence. This film keeps coming back to me. It extremely confused me at first but something about it made me go back and watch again, and a third time for this class. It is a film that can fit into several categories. The film's form is loose and extensive and it’s almost impossible to follow it in some linear way. Instead, it washes across the surface of your conscious mind, digging deep with images we cannot forget. It is a completely unique film and is inspiring in its capability to convey the political, the philosophical, and the poetic together on screen. …show more content…

No simple description can begin to convey this film's spectacular effect on our brain and our feels. Not quite a documentary, not quite fiction, Marker's film emerges as a mesmerizing meditation on the meaning of space, time, and memory. At the center of "Sans Soleil," it seems that is the way society chooses to remember things and what happens when expectations are exchanged by new reality and a new experience. An example is when Marker shows sleeping Japanese travelers on a ship, then a subway framed by the skyline of Tokyo, then a bird walking peacefully on water, then an African lady smiling, then a cat temple in Japan where people pray for cats. "We do not remember we rewrite memory much as history is rewritten," states the movie's narrator as she reads a letter apparently written by Krasna. In truth, Krasna is Marker, who created the person of Krasna because Marker doesn't do interviews and prefers to let the work speak for

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