
Wireless Computing And Location Based Services

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Many technologies and applications have appeared recently which are directed at wireless computing and the location-based services. M-commerce is concerned with conducting transactions and other business activity with these new technologies and applications. When mobile commerce continues to give a big impact to the global, technologies and applications have focused more on wireless computing and location-based services. Hence, wireless computing and location-based application become significant in this digital world. In the previously classes, we had learnt wireless computing can use in classroom, school, and district. Many wireless schools and classroom were established so that can make students keep in touch with family and friends from anywhere. Besides that, wireless technology brings the computer lab to student. Wireless technology not only can use in education but also can use in M-commerce. In this report, I will provide some information of the relevant M-Commerce activity, device of wireless computing and about the location-based application.

1.0 Introduction:

Wireless computing combined with Location-based application constituted an ideal platform for the formation of a various type of mobile business. Nowadays, a number of mobile consumers use their digital mobile network not only for voice and data transfer but it also as a mini electronic wallet. This is because we can store electronic cash, credit card information, ticket and so

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