
Willy Loman Tragic Hero

Decent Essays

In 1949, the forlorn life of Willy Loman is introduced in Arthur Miller’s “Death of a Salesman”. At this time the American Dream was something everyone craved during the peak of suburbia. The American Dream was the golden standard of living like Donna Reed, all wrapped up with a white picket fence. To Willy Loman, The American Dream was not the golden standard, but the only standard. His wife Linda dutifully greeting him as he came home from a successful day as a salesman, and sits down to dinner with his sons Biff, the former football star and now successful salesman that takes after his father, and Happy, a husband and father of three who lives a humble life. This idea infested Willy’s mind to such an extent that reality was swept away. …show more content…

Oedipus kills while Willy commits suicide, and Oedipus doesn't have people protecting him from the truth. Linda, Willy’s wife is the worst possible thing for him because when he starts to be brought down to reality, she starts to protect him from the cruelty of the real world, and delves him into his mythical world yet again. Oedipus is pulled out of his delusions, and realized the error of his ways. Willy however dies while in his delusions. In the ending, Willy gives up his desperate need to be liked for a $20,000 start for his son Biff which will hopefully lead him on the path to success. Both Willy and Oedipus share tragic flaws, and a life of being deluded from the truth. Although, they do share differences as well. Willy sacrificed himself to give his chance, rather than him follow in his fathers footsteps. Oedipus on the other hand, blinded himself to punish himself for carrying out his dreaded fate. Both found a sort of redemption through their demise or destruction.Willy and Oedipus may both have lead a misfortunate life full of regret, and flaw, but their one defining character that may not go noticed is they’re both great fathers. Oedipus left his family after learning the error of his ways. at first glance you think he feels pitiful, and is ashamed to face his family. On the contrary, Oedipus left his family to give them a chance at their own lives

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