
Willow Bark Research

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Salicylic acid is an extract of willow bark, and Hippocrates, Galen, Pliny the Elder knew that this bark could ease pain and reduce fevers. Although Reverend Edward Stone was the one who noted that the willow bark was effective in reducing fever, due to the salicylic acid, back in 1763, it caused damage to the mucous membranes of the mouth and esophagus, which caused hemorrhaging of the stomach lining. It was a scientist at the Bayer Company in Germany that noted the salicylic acid contained a phenol group that might cause the damage. He then decided to modify the acid by forming an ester with two-carbon acetyl group. As a result, the substance created was acetylsalicylic acid: aspirin. To prepare the aspirin, the first materials needed are 125 mL Erlenmeyer flask, salicylic acid, and electric balance. First, I weighed the Erlenmeyer flask with the electric balance and I got 95.07 grams. Next, I used a paper and used a spatula to add 2.00 grams of salicylic acid, but since it was difficult to make the measurement exact, I let it stay at 2.02 grams. I …show more content…

Before I started, I added a filter paper into the apparatus and put the funnel in the filter flask strong enough so that the neck fits into the rubber washer. Then, I poured water into the top to moisten the filter paper and used the _____________ to get all the water to bottom before pouring in the aspirin product into the filter paper. I slowly pumped the water into the bottom until one crystals were left and used the spatula to transfer any crystals left in the flask. With the ice cold water again, I rinsed the inside of the flask and transferred the remaining crystals into the funnel. Then, I added two 10 mL portions of cold water and pumped all the water to the bottom. Last, I took out the filter paper with the aspirin by using a spatula and put them on a paper towel to allow them to air dry over the

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