
William Shakespeare 's Tragedy Of Macbeth Essay

Decent Essays

Thing That Lady Macbeth Might Have William Shakespeare had tragedy in Macbeth. Macbeth had been a Thane, which is a noble. Lady Macbeth wants to be Queen of Scotland in Macbeth wants to be king no matter what it takes Macbeth was going be king an Lady Macbeth was going to be queen. Lady Macbeth was a very strong mind person. Lady Macbeth surfed the effect of bipolar and schizophrenia. First lady Macbeth showed bipolar disorder by showing the symptoms of inflated or self-esteem grandiosity. Lady Macbeth believed she should be queen. Lady Macbeth was already a noble wife. She wants the Queen crown. She would do anything to make sure she got the crown. Next lady Macbeth had a flight of ideas. Macbeth had sent her a letter telling her he should be king. After the letter she was jumping with ideas. She was thinking of way to make sure they where King and Queen. Later Lady Macbeth stressed over Macbeth action. Then it increases in goal directed anxiety. Psychosis when she stared imaging thing. Hearing sounds that weren’t there. Lady Macbeth said she heard “ crickets, owls cry” every little noise startled her. Lady Macbeth became very distractibility. Lady Macbeth was in bipolar disorder II. Which brings on schizophrenia in less manic episodes. When Macbeth was alive they didn’t have treatment or MEDs for sickens Lady Macbeth had. Lady Macbeth had a manic episode when she was talking to king’s blood on her hands saying, “out damnd’d spot out, say!”(Act 5 scenes 1) Lady

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