
William Shakespeare 's Romeo And Juliet

Decent Essays

Romeo and Juliet argues that life is enjoyable if and only if mutual love accompanies it. Capulet’s perspective that life is limiting prevails for anybody who isn’t exposed to mutual love because “we were born to die” (3.4.4). To those exposed to mutual love---particularly Romeo and Juliet, life is profoundly valuable, for being with their partner stimulates and unifies every part of their bodies: mind, spirit and emotion. To both Romeo and Juliet, life absent of love makes death preferable to living. Shakespeare demonstrates that life with love transforms a meaningless existence into one that results in the complete, perfect unity of two psyches.
The text conveys that those who aren’t exposed to reciprocated love find no merit in life, for life is devoid of pleasure. Early in the play, Mercutio introduces Romeo to Queen Mab, the fantastical midwife, whose whimsical appearance boasts a “shape [that’s] no bigger than an agate stone” with “wagon spokes made of long spinners’ legs” (1.4.60-64). As Mab evolves into a “hag” who angrily “plagues” the lips of women that “straight on kisses dream… [because their] breaths with sweetmeats tainted are,” Mercutio asserts that loving is immoral (1.4.85;74-76). To Mercutio, musing over love is a sin punishable by having a woman’s---lover’s--- lips “plagu[ed]” by Mab, because love fleets and fools it’s beholder into losing touch with reality. With Mab’s story, Mercutio reveals his own suffering. Mercutio declares that Mab, a woman, ruins

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