
William Clayton's Disease

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Mr. William Clayton, age 38, is functioning far below optimal levels, as his disorder has caused him to become extremely violent and a hazard to himself and others. Due to his violent outburst and uncaringness about his actions or their consequences for others, I have diagnosed Mr. Clayton with antisocial personality disorder. (King, 2016, pg. 466,467) His recent actions, that of illegally capturing an entire band of gorilla’s, and then his attempt to kill those who opposed him has lead him to this facility to be treated, and a major part of his diagnosis. He grew up in a rich family, and was seen as quite a charming boy. Growing up he loved to join his father’s hunting parties and became quite proficient at the sport. To others he was a charming …show more content…

He has been diagnosed with dissociative personality disorder (King, 2016, pg. 459-460), as he has many different personalities living inside his body. Throughout his adult life he has believed himself to be many different females, each one has a specific style and a distinct personality. These women have a tendency to appear when Mr. Bunny feels distressed, and are possibly protective of him, as he seems to be the only male personality. He had a probably traumatic childhood, as he describes his youth as a “mostly fun-filled time playing with all my siblings, even though my father was at times rather angry” and did not show any signs of a disorder until he was well into his adult years. While Mr. Bunny has shown many different personalities through the years, currently Mr. Bunny has three main personalities that appear on a weekly basis. Despite the vast difference in their personalities, they are able to function together almost as one and very little disruption occurs in Mr. bunny’s life. As dissociative identity disorder is the only disorder where the individuals have more than one personality, it leaves no room for wondering what he is suffering from. His current treatment includes three weekly family therapy sessions, to get to the root of the problem. He is also being prescribed an antianxiety drug, to help him remain calm and hopefully lesson the amount the other personalities appear. (pg.

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