
Wild Fire Research Paper

Decent Essays

"Divided tongues, as of fire, appeared among them, and a tongue rested on each of them" (Acts 2:3 NRSV) Prayers for those affected by the wildfires in Alberta, Canada. Pray for those who have lost their homes and all their possessions. Prayers for those whose work is affected. And of course prayers for those who are fighting the fires. It's hard for me to get my mind around what it would be like to live in an area with a wild-fire. We don't have a lot of those in Ohio, certainly not in thesize and devastation of the one in Alberta. We have Tornados. They are horrible. Bu they are quick. WIld fires are different. They can move with terrible speed or at a slowed pace. You can see them coming, which I guess cna be a blessing if you have …show more content…

There are times when a part of a forest needs to be burnt away so something else can grow. It gives space for new life in the forest as well. There are times, when fires will be intentionally set in order for this to happen. This is done by what we call a controled burn. Those in charge have mechanisms set up so the fire will be , well, controlled. They comparmentalize it so it burns exactly what needs to be burned away and nothing more. Controlled burns are so benificial they are often used to fight an out of control wild-fire. Areas are set on fire to remove the fuel from the forest fire itself. when the wild-fire has nothing to burn, the fire will slow down, and hopefully be put out. This past Sunday we celebrated Pentecost. Symbolized of course, not only by a dove but by fire. I like the symbol of fire to symbolize the Holy Spirit. Because that's what the Holy Spirit does, when it comes upon us it comes like a fire. It brings light to illumine our sin and light a path for us to follow in life. It causes our hearts to be strangely warmed". It burns away our sin, and burns down old was to do things so that new life can grow. We all love The fire of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost. We are generally in favor of

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