
Wife Role In Japanese Family

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The wife role is centered more around the children and the household. That she is the most informed about what is best for her children and will explore all options for them. They do not usually let their children go to a babysitter or daycare because they feel that they can nurture their children best. Also, the mothers consider motherhood to be highly valued and is considered the most important thing. The mother knows all that is going on with their child and has the ultimate authority in their education and attends to all their academic needs. (Japanese Family) Japan has many traditions that are deep rooted in their religions such as, Japanese Tea Ceremony, Noh drama, Kabuki Drama, as well as holidays like Japanese New Year celebration, Coming of Age Day, Shunbun no hi/Higan no Chu-Nichi as well as Christmas. Japanese Tea Ceremony where they bring tranquility to the people involved in it. Noh drama and Kabuki dramas are dramas combing music, dance and lyrics with ritualistic presentations and kabuki is the combination of Noh drama combined with folk theater. Though Kabuki dramas are usually performed by men impersonating women to do the performance. (Traditions) Then for the holidays such as the Japanese New year celebration that is from January 1st to the 15th. There is the Coming of Age Day January 15th to celebrate the birthday of everyone who turn 20 over the year because that is when children are an adult. As for Shunbun no hi/ Higan no Chu-Nichi on the days many go visit the tombs of the deceased family members and take care of the tombs of the deceased. Then they celebrate Christmas as well though it is not a religious holiday but rather a day to spend with family and friends. (Traditions)
United States America The United States the family structure has changed over the years. The elderly does not get as much respect as they had once. Families will take care of their elderly family members some of the time, but there can be resentment to the person. Elderly are not seen as knowing people in the society but as burdens for some of the people. Gender roles have also started to change as well though there are still some thoughts that women should stay at home and take care of the children, women are

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