
Wide Open Country Research Paper

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Would you want your children to grow up happy and healthy, to grow up playing outside helping their father? Country life is better than city life because in the country people appreciate the things they have like family and friends, creating a special bond with the neighborhood. There is a higher crime percentage in the city than in the country. Also, in the city people can be very uncaring towards you and your children. Would you want that for your children, for yourself? In the country, Wide Open Country says that the air is better, healthier, and is not polluted like the city. In the country, according to Wide Open Country, they are closer to nature. Being in the city could be noisy, loud, but in the country you will be peaceful, it will …show more content…

The conversations they have with their friends are so much more in depth, are a lot closer and have time and space to do the things they want to do. Family is everything in life and to have them in your life is the most important thing. They tend to make a strong bond with their neighborhood. Wide Open Country says, “everyone knows everyone in the country, and you always know you are loved and taken care of.” In the city, you have friends and family but it does not compare to the bond you have or the time you have in your day to see them. There is a higher crime percentage according to Urban and Rural Crime. They say that “the FBI reports metropolitan cities had a murder and manslaughter rate known to law enforcement of 4.9 per 100,000 persons in 2012.” They also say that “the FBI reports rate of forcible rape within metropolitan areas was 26.4 per 100,000 persons, with no change compared to the 2011 rate.” In a study in 2012, in the city was that “the FBI reports metropolitan areas had a robbery rate known to law enforcement of 127.9 per 100,000 persons, compared to a rate of 51.6 per 100,000 persons in cities outside metropolitan areas and 12.6 per 100,000 persons in non-metropolitan counties.” It can be scary living in the city but in the country it can be a little less scary and

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