
Why You Shouldn 't Be Late At Class Staring With The Most Important Thing

Good Essays

There are plenty of reasons why you shouldn’t be late to class staring with the most important thing, you can miss vital information about the lecture. For example let’s say you have a major test coming up and your professor is gracious enough to give you the answers for the test or decides that since you showed up to class you get an automatic A. You can also miss the review to a quiz or test, and you can miss a pop quiz which could’ve helped bump up your grade if you were failing or if you just needed that extra boost. Missing a test or quiz can do some major damage to your grade easily, I’m speaking from experience.
If you miss class, you won’t get the same type of explanation of what you read in the book. Whether it’s the explanation from the professor, working with your classmates in a group or possibly taking notes, there’s always more to learn in class. Chances are, you won’t understand everything just by staying home and reading the book a lot of things covered in class aren’t talked about in the book. You’ll spend less time studying for tests or quizzes by showing up to class, taking in all the information and asking questions about things you didn’t understand from reading the book. Every teacher handles attendance differently.
One professor might call everyone’s name in the beginning of class; another might say flat out they don’t take attendance which can be a blessing and curse at the same time. The stricter the attendance policy, the more likely it is that

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