There are plenty of reasons why you shouldn’t be late to class staring with the most important thing, you can miss vital information about the lecture. For example let’s say you have a major test coming up and your professor is gracious enough to give you the answers for the test or decides that since you showed up to class you get an automatic A. You can also miss the review to a quiz or test, and you can miss a pop quiz which could’ve helped bump up your grade if you were failing or if you just needed that extra boost. Missing a test or quiz can do some major damage to your grade easily, I’m speaking from experience.
If you miss class, you won’t get the same type of explanation of what you read in the book. Whether it’s the explanation from the professor, working with your classmates in a group or possibly taking notes, there’s always more to learn in class. Chances are, you won’t understand everything just by staying home and reading the book a lot of things covered in class aren’t talked about in the book. You’ll spend less time studying for tests or quizzes by showing up to class, taking in all the information and asking questions about things you didn’t understand from reading the book. Every teacher handles attendance differently.
One professor might call everyone’s name in the beginning of class; another might say flat out they don’t take attendance which can be a blessing and curse at the same time. The stricter the attendance policy, the more likely it is that
The main issue to take into account is the brash generalization that students should abide the same strict attendance policies when most situations are circumstantial. Furthermore, if a student is paying for their education at the university, it should be there responsibility to take initiative of their learning, and not the responsibility of the teacher. Going to a university does not only build you skillset, but also fosters independence, that will only be hindered by strict
It is the student's loss if he/she does not attend class. First, if students do not attend class, it will only hurt them. They will fall behind. College courses move at a fast pace. Without attending class the student will not be able to keep up with the new knowledge. A lot of the homework for college courses is assigned in class. The student will not receive the homework if he/she misses class. Second, students that decide not to go to class will have to put in even more work
Illegal immigrants should be allowed to stay in America. According to the dictionary definition, an illegal immigrant also known as an illegal alien is “a foreigner who enters a country without an entry or immigrant visa, especially a person who crosses the border by avoiding inspection or who overstays the period of time allowed as a visitor, tourist, or businessperson”. From Renewing America, the U.S. immigration debate “Immigration has been a touchstone of the U.S. political debate for decades, as policymakers must weigh competing for economic, security, and humanitarian concerns. Congress has been unable to reach an agreement on comprehensive immigration reform for years, effectively moving some major policy decisions into the executive and judicial branches of government, and fueling debate in the halls of state and municipal governments. Meanwhile, the fates of an estimated eleven million undocumented immigrants in the country, as well as rules for legal immigration, lie in the balance”(Felter and Renwick). There are many arguments that support allowing illegal immigrants into America, because of this immigration has been a controversial issue for over so many years. According to SIRS knowledge source, some would argue that “unauthorized immigrants should be detained and deported for flouting the law”, but on the other side, people would disagree with these accusations because, but “the vast majority of unauthorized immigrants are hard-working individuals in search
First of all, college students are adults. They should be responsible for their own educations. Professors should not have to worry about marking who’s there, who’s not, who’s late, who leaves early. Many professors say that attending classes regularly improves performance. This might help with classes with lots of discussion, labs or hands-on-classes. This being said, mature college students who are seeking high grades will understand this and attend class without being told.
The third tip is to not skip class because you don't want to go or because you don't have your homework finished. If the teacher, someone that is looking at you suspiciously or the principal catches you, you know that you are going to get caught. You will have to pay the consequences for skipping class. To add something else, you might miss a class discussion, or you might miss the homework assignment the teacher would be assigning for the class work for today.
If a student does not attend class they present themselves as not interested in learning; or not to put in any effort at all on trying to improve. I have attended every class except one, which I had a family emergency. I made sure that I was mental present not just physically. A student can be in class everyday but not pay attention to anything, which shows they have no interest in trying to learn new skills nor have no interest to try and improve the skills they do have.
Does your attendance record reflect your final grade in college? No not because the professor will mark you down a certain percentage of your grade, but because of the relationship between students that show up for class and the ones that regularly skip. When I started attending college, I was a bit confused why such a large percentage of students weren’t attending class. It seemed as the quarter moved further along, class attendance went down. After spending a bit of time on google, I found a few statistics that reflect why I believe class attendance should be mandatory. On the contrary, some students will say that they should have the freedom to decide if they want to go to class, because they are now adults. However, to improve students grades and school drop-out rates. Colleges should require class attendance.
Aware to the teacher, the student will come to class late as he has done since day one of the course. Instead of explaining less important information first or beginning class a bit late, the teacher continues the lesson and shows no concern for the student who has walked in late as usual. The teacher could be seen as not having any problems, but they must get through enough of their lecture in order to test students on the wide range of information prepared beforehand. If they fail to teach students the proper information they will be unable to give test/exams, which will prevent grades from being entered and student records being updated. The final situation I have observed, which I happen to be a part of, involves cutting weight during high school in order to make the desired weight. When I was tired from practice, cutting weight, and no longer interested in completing academic work I would fail to hear the concerns of some
My attendance in this course was 100% except I had to leave 15 minutes early in Ella-Fay’s “How to Research” class due to my father-in-law’s appointment. However, the following week I was in library for the research and evidence based assignment and Ella-Fay guided me on finding my topic. Beside this leaving 15 minutes early, I attended all classes and I was never late.
I have always came to class on time and with all necessary supplies. On the other hand I was not an engaged student or participated much in class. If the subject wasn't interesting to me I didn't do my best. I would do whatever work was required to
Everyone has to take classes that they never want to attend. Whether you dread it because you hate the subject or it is one of those dreaded 8am’s. When debating on whether or not to go everyone has had that friend that will tell you that you should go because you’re paying to take the class. This is a huge motivator for us. That broke college student stereotype is all to real and it really can be a great driver. But, what if tuition disappeared? Then why would anyone care if we skipped class? When I asked students that were walking to class at Oregon State University if they would still go to class if they knew they could take it again for free at any point, 85% of them said they would ditch the class. This number shows just how much motivation college students derive from the monetary value of their education. So much of the professor’s time and the university’s resources would be squandered due to those students who would be enrolled but not actually care at all.
One of the things I learned in summer school was the importance of being here. One reason people fail classes is because they do not show up to it. Having to get up during my summer break made me realize that showing up is not that hard at all. When you show up and do what you’re supposed to do or at least put in the effort, you’re going to pass. Also not showing up may not just affect
While studying or even registering for a class presents a challenge to some college students, the greatest obstacle remains, going to class. Attending college is supposed to signify a new found freedom to make many important choices regarding education without high school mandatory attendance policies. However, students everywhere are coming to the staggering realization that college is not too different from high school. Teachers still take class roll and students are still expected to be at every class on time. What next, hall monitors in the hall? The time has come for action to be taken. Colleges must abolish mandatory student attendance policies for several reasons to be further discussed.
A prerequisite to success in any in any endeavor is "showing up", and classes are no exception. If you're not showing up to class, you're forfeiting every opportunity provided to you in the classroom.
Many college professors don’t take attendance or have the time to make sure all of their students are making passing grades in all of their courses. If you miss a class, plan on getting notes from a fellow classmate. If you attend a large college or university, your professors probably won’t even try to remember your name, as they have hundreds of students each semester. If an assignment was due on a day you decided to miss class, there’s a good chance your professor will not let you turn it in late. You are responsible for remembering important deadlines, as your parents will not be communicating with your professors, and will have no idea when your assignments are due. Also, remember that if you want some one-on-one time with your professor, you won’t be able to hang around after class like you did in high school; you will have to make an appointment during his/her office hours or correspond with him/her through email.