
Why You Need To Let Yourself By Susan Biali

Decent Essays

Have you ever been called something offensive just because you may be affiliated with that group? Whether it may be name-called, be given “the eye”, or being categorized with a group just because of a few similar characteristics. Well one of society’s major problems that still occur today are women stereotypes. For many years women have fought against their stereotypes and strived for equality. Even though women have endlessly attempted to overcome these stereotypes, women have continued to be misrepresented by society and social media. As set by societal norms, women are meant to be housewives and stay at home. Stereotypes similar to these have quickly spread throughout the internet, movies, television, gossip and have affected society not only on a global level but on a local level as well. For example, the song God Made Girls by RaeLynn heavily stereotypes women even though the artist is a woman herself. It has affected many victims in schools, in public places, at work and even …show more content…

Women aren’t obligated to follow the societal norms. Just because women wear dresses doesn’t mean they aren’t allowed to wear shorts instead. In an article named Why You Need to Let Yourself Be Yourself by Susan Biali, describes how not being yourself could greatly affect your mind and lifestyle. To support her argument, she also gives a short excerpt from the book The Fully Lived Life by Merry Lin. The book explains that “faking your way through life is believing that if you let people know the real you, they won’t like you. Maybe it seems that nothing you ever do is ever enough… Maybe you keep trying to pretend to make others happy, including God, and you are exhausted, physically, emotionally and spiritually” (Biali par 7). Sometimes women are so focused to fit in with others that they begin to lose their true self and personality. They begin to rely on others for acceptance and reassurance to feel better about

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