
Why Were Europeans Able To Conquer Most During The Age Of Imperialism

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Why were Europeans able to conquer most of the known world during the Age of Imperialism?

Imagine a life without a proper education, without any technology, or even electricity, without there always being enough food, without much meat, without even a real home; this is how many people live in developing countries, such as New Guinea. Across the world,many people have civilizations have lived as hunters and gatherers for thousands of years. Then, some places experienced a evolution while others did not. In locations, such as the Fertile Crescent, people started taking back seeds and animals to their villages(Gachegua, Episode 1). This was the beginning of permanent homes, as well as farming. People began to domesticate food and animals. For example, horses were tamed to pull plows, a more effective way to farm. However, places like New Guinea were unable to evolve because they did not have any plants or animals in their location that could be domesticated. So, as Europeans had more free time because, they were able to invent new technologies(Gachegua, Episode 1). Meanwhile, New Guineans continued to spend the …show more content…

Since masses of people in Europe were moving from the rural areas to the cities, there was now a working force for the factories. New technology was now being rapidly invented and older technology was being radically improved, including automatic weapons and steel which helped the Europeans immensely in conquering the known world. The reason why one hundred sixty eight Spaniards were able to go to the Inca Empire and conquer seven thousand Incas was that the Spaniards had more advanced weapons(Gachegua, Episode 2). Their firearms and steel weapons were never seen before in South America so the Spaniards were able to kill and control the population there. These weapons gave the power to the conquistadors; the nations they conquered were not able to properly defend themselves against new world

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