
Why We Should Not Have School Hours

Satisfactory Essays

Did you know that the school board wants to add an extra hour and a half to our school day? Its completely insane! It makes you think about something, how will this affect our lives if they actually add an hour and a half? Well three reasons they should not add more time are After School activities, our schedules, and all the student’s reactions.

First of all, After School activities will be affected.Many students and teachers will have to spend less time doing their activities because of the extra time they spend in school learning teaching. If they do not add or lessen the amount of time used after school, then students and teachers will not get home until around dinner time! Due to this new time schedule, some parents will not allow their kids to join these activities. Speaking of after school, many people who play sports will not get the practice time they need. Unless coaches add more practice days, which will tire students who have to play almost every day, they will not get enough practice for their sport. I personally would want more time to practice Marching band more in one day instead of a little every day. …show more content…

Longer classes will stress out students who already dislike school! The stress will cause many students to freak out. If I remember correctly, teachers already spend more time at school than students, this time extension will make the adults stay at school until about five o'clock! One more thought is, What if a student has an activity after school that they do, for an example, my sister has choir and GA’s at church on Wednesday around five o’clock. If my sister had school until 4:30 she would not have much time to get homework done, eat dinner, prepare to leave, and get there in time! It is like asking to make her late to her activities that she

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