
Why We Should Not Be Sentenced To Life In Prison

Satisfactory Essays

No Life Sentences for Minors
Many children today are being sentenced to various amounts of time to deal in jail. Many times they are being sentenced as adults and are sentenced to life in prison. Teens should not be sentenced to life in prison because many times they end up changing and they are no longer the same person they were when they committed the crime.
Children do not always measure the amount of damage their actions will have. While children play they may think they are not hurting their play mate when in reality they are hurting them. The case of Lionel Tate that was accused of killing his play mate while they were play wrestling. “Tate supposedly was imitating his World Wrestling Federation heroes when he pummeled his playmate” (Kids Are Kids- Until They Commit Crimes). His intentions were not to kill her but to simply play with her and show her his favorite move, however he misjudged his strength and it resulted in her death. …show more content…

Often times they are even resentful for their actions. Greg Ousley is the perfect example of a kid who commits a crime and later resents it in jail. Ousley is resentful for his crimes and would “want to use [his] life as an example of what can go wrong” (Ousley). Ousley is willing to put his story out there and share his errors with others that may find themselves in the same situation he did and tell them about the consequences they may have to deal

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