
Why We Should Death Be A Choice

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Should death be a choice? Google defines Euthanasia as “The painless killing of a patient suffering from an incurable and painful disease or in an irreversible coma.” Euthanasia is illegal in most places of the world. It is a topic a lot of people disagree on, but I personally believe it should be legalized all over the world. I believe people have the right to decide if they want to live or have someone help end their sufferings. We as humans or any living organisms in fact, do not have the choice of being born, so having the right to die should be a right. Pain and suffering is something nobody should go through, but it is inevitable just like death. Intolerable hurting is horrible and if you were going through it, wouldn’t you want it to end? I completely comprehend the fact that having a professional help end your life is a crazy idea, family and relatives’ feelings are definitely taken into consideration without any doubts, but when it comes down to it who is …show more content…

Science proved it long ago with cells dying, organs giving out, brain activity stopping and/or having your heart give out. We are born and therefore we don’t get to live forever so we die or pass away. With that, we die either way so if a person or animal is suffering with an intolerable pain they shouldn’t be restricted from having that end and having them move on to the next stage in life that we’re all intended in having. Death cannot be avoided, and if a human wants to die they’ll make it happen. I don’t know about you, but I’d rather have a loved one passed on professionally and without pain rather than have them commit suicide due to not being able to handle the pain anymore. Life does not guarantee happiness, pain, love, or any emotions of any sort, but life does guarantee death. People should have the right to be able to pass away, end their sufferings, move on and not have to deal with the pain anymore. Which is why I believe Euthanasia should be legalized in the

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