
Why Was World War One Important

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WW1 Research PaperBy: Tiffani Warner
What if your friend was being bullied by another kid? Would you join in and defend your best of all best friend? But then the bully would get all of his/her friends and then you would get all of your friends. Wouldn’t you think there would be a lot of tension? But then someone makes a stupid move, such as throwing something (or something like that) and then everybody starts to beat each other up! Well that’s what happened with World War 1. There was a lot of tension in between Austria-Hungry, Germany, Italy and Britain, France, Russia. But then someone had to shoot the Archduke Francis Ferdinand and his rich wife. That, my friend, is when the stick broke. In 1913, the World War 1 was declared a war! Austria-Hungry was furious that their …show more content…

Of Couse this treaty was made in 1919, by the way. This wonderful treaty was involving Brittan, France, and Italy (and of course this treaty did not involve Germany at all!). This not so wonderful treaty for Germany was signed by President Wilson and a whole lot of other very impressive leaders (Germany was of course very upset that they were not involved). This treaty made Germany (not any other country) pay for ALL of the damage and destruction done by all of the countries (aka, that is NOT fair!)! They also separated Germany from the other countries for 15 years!
The peace conference just happened to occurred on January 1919. The ‘’big four’’ (which happens to be Brittan, France, Italy and the United States of America) just seemed to just argue a lot during the peace conference. The United States of America wanted to refuse all allied powers. At first, all italy wanted was Adriatic, but later on they changed their minds. A weakness in all of this was that Russia wanted to join in on this but nobody let them join. They excluded all the central powers all together. All they wanted was Germany to do strict

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