
Why Was The Somme Important

Decent Essays

WWI was an extremely important factor in Australia's history and it has affected everything since it happened. More specifically, the battle of Gallipoli has been made into one of the most significant battles in Australian history. However, the battle of the Somme does not get as much recognition as it deserves. The battle of the Somme is as significant and relevant as Gallipoli because Australian soldiers also participated in the battle, risking and losing their lives to protect what Australian and the Allies believed was right. This essay will prove why the Somme is just as important.

The battle of Gallipoli took place between 25th April 1915 and 9th January 1916. This was a whole 6 months before the battle of the Somme, which indicates that the effects of Gallipoli may have influenced the Somme battle. The battle of Gallipoli also took place 2081 km away from the Somme battleground, which meant it was more out of the way of the full war. Australian troops fought in both …show more content…

The soldiers in Gallipoli and the Somme had to endure horrible living conditions such as; 40-degree heat, strong winds, rain and snow, mud, flooding, scarce water and food shortages. In no way did the soldiers have a good time living in the several trenches and cubby holes to protect themselves. Their diet consisted of beef, hard biscuits, jam, and tea. On the first day of the Somme, 120 000 British soldiers climbed out of their trenches to experience a raining fire of bullets from the German’s, which resulted in 20 000 deaths almost instantly. Due to the immense casualty count as well as other things, many soldiers contracted diseases such as dysentery or gastroenteritis. One soldier's diary was found as he talked about his first day of the Somme.* In terms of experiences, the battle of the Somme easily outperforms the struggles in Gallipoli, and this horrific battle should be remembered for this

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