
Why Was The Civil War Inevitable

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Looking at wars in history one may question the ability to avoid such casualties and destruction that occurred. Such as the civil war where American’s fought American’s seizing to destroy each other even though both had worked hard to overcome Britain’s monarchy and develop the free nation. However the civil war became inevitable when President Lincoln was elected due to such different views between him and the south. These differences included economic, social, and political differences which divided the north and the south enough to spark the civil war.
The most notable point of when the civil war became inevitable was when Lincoln was elected. When he was elected seven states in the south seceded, Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, South Carolina, and Texas. They seceded because of Lincolns view on slavery and how it would hurt them economically, socially, and politically to abolish slavery. If slavery became taken away they would not be able to grow crops since the slaves tend to the crops and harvest them and maintain them. If crops can’t be grown then there would be no way to sell crops to the north so the south economics would be dead and if there were no slaves to buy or sell then cash flow would completely stop in the south. …show more content…

When the southern states seceded it causes anger in the north since they felt like they were being betrayed by their own brothers and sisters who had helped defeat the Britain monarchy. The north took action right away for they didn’t see how the union could work if all those states seceded, they also knew it would render them a weak union if Britain or France saw them split up like north and south. With the southern states seceded due to such strong differences like slavery the war was going to happen it was just a matter of who would strike

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