
Why Was Odysseus A Poor Leader?

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Well known actor Christopher Reeve mentioned, “A hero is an ordinary individual who finds the strength to persevere and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles.” Christopher explained that heroes can be just normal people that do extraordinary things. Odysseus did some superior deeds, but he wasn’t consistent with his deeds. He made plenty of poor decisions that cost not just himself but his crewmen. These are the reasons why Odysseus was a poor leader because of his arrogant and forgetful actions. Odysseus was very arrogant when he and his men arrived at the Cyclops’ island. The Cyclops’ is a one eyed monster, son of Poseidon. Odysseus decided to stay at the Cyclops’ island and sack his cave. “There we built a fire, set our hands on the cheeses, offered some to the gods and ate the bulk ourselves”[The Odyssey:9.260-262] Odysseus was too arrogant at the Cyclops island because he thought he was above everyone, and did not listen to their inputs and suggestions. Instead of stealing a couple of sheep and wine to take with him on the ship, Odysseus raided into the Cyclops cave feasting on his cheese and drinking all of his wine. The Cyclops became mad and he started eating some of Odysseus’s men. After six of Odysseus’s men had died from the …show more content…

He was also forgetful because he had a family that relied on him on returning home soon to see Penelope and Telemachus. Penelope is Odysseus’ wife and Telemachus’ is his son. He was forgetful when, In chapter ten of The Odyssey, Odysseus decides to stay for a year with Circe to feast and sleep while his men are living on his boat. His forgetful actions set back him and his crew from returning to Ithica. This is poor because he was set out to win the Trojan war and return back to Ithica, but he stayed an extra year with Circe. He was forgetful of his men and his family when he delayed on returning to

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