
Why Was Emily Dickinson Be Considered A Game Changer?

Decent Essays

What makes a person a game changer? A game changer is someone who has gone through life and experienced things such as heart ache and trials that made them known for who they were. A person is a game changer because of the way they show their life and try and relate so we can learn from the past and try and make things better in the future. Game changers would rather tell the reality of things and not be in full control because they let life happen. This is why Emily Dickinson is considered a game changer. “Miss Dickinson was a recluse; but her poetry is rich with a profound and varied experience. Where did she get it? The moral image that we have of Miss Dickinson stands out in every poem; it is that of a dominating spinster whose very sweetness …show more content…

Emily attended her family’s church, but refused to join a church or be a Christian. She was an eccentric woman with deep thoughts of the world and didn’t know how she wanted to express God. She even felt like “Tennyson tried to mix a little Huxley and a little Broad Church, without understanding either Broad Church or Huxley Church; the result was fatal, and what is worse, it was shallow. Miss Dickinson’s ideas were deeply imbedded in her character, not taken from the latest tract. A conscious cultivation of ideas in poetry is always dangerous and even Milton escaped ruin only having an instinct for what in the deepest sense he understood.” (Sewall 23) She had too much depression in her life where the happiness of God just wasn’t in her plan. God was a part of her life, but she didn’t always believe the things the bible said. She went to school and was educated at Amherst Academy and the Mount Holyoke Female Seminary. She was an excellent student, despite missing lots of school due to the illness of her mother and Emily’s depression. Though Emily didn’t finish school that year, it was due to saddening events in this time period. Emily had to grow up fast and became and because of the events that were in her life she became a strong writer, an intelligent woman, and very opinionated. She is a reminder to never stop because other people want you too, if you feel that something is right then do it. Life is beautiful but can be taken away in one short swift. Emily recounts “people are just typical Christians in a theme of final resolution” (Sewall 22) This shows how she just thinks that people pray to get answers but Emily still has questions that are

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