
Why Was Afghanistan Socially Developed

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I think that the reason why Afghanistan struggled so much was because they weren't a very developed country. They had different people taking over their country. So new laws would be in place and people would have to change the way they live. I think that one reason why Socially afghanistan wasn’t very developed is because many bad things happened in the neighborhoods for example after the afghan beaten the soviets they liked shooting so after the war they would shoot each other for fun. Also why they weren’t socially developed is because of what they sell in their markets or to the world. They aren't known for stuff so they are inconsistent with how much money their country make and how much their people make. Another reason why they aren't socially developed his because neighbors would turn on each other if they saw something that their neighbors shouldn’t be doing for example if a family was play a card games or games in general a neighbor could tell the taliban and they could get a bad punishment. My final reason why they weren’t socially developed is because girls couldn't go outside or ride buses unless they were with a boy …show more content…

One reason why I think this contributed with them not being developed is because people would have to sell anything they had to spare. I think this is bad because people wouldn't allow the people to have anything left of their things because the money they would make of that stuff would go towards food. Another reason why I think that this contributed to them not being develop is they had to go to a tap for water. This shows that they don’t have plumbing in any of the house that the people live in.. Finally why their economy is a big part why they aren't developed is people have to live in house that got bombed. People will live in place that have a big hole on the side due to all the bombing. This is my second part on why they aren't very

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