
Why Viruses Are Alive

Decent Essays

Viruses are a big deal in our world today. There a lot of debates on whether these genetic materials of DNA are alive or dead. However there is not one answer for this. I believe viruses are alive for many reasons. To start it off we have the seven characteristics of life. These characteristics are Reproduction, Growth and Development, Cells, DNA, Energy, Adapt/Evolve, and finally Homeostasis. Every virus has one or more of these traits. First we have reproduction, reproduction is a very big deal with viruses, as viruses relate to it. For example, the Polio Virus, this virus is very deadly, not only to us, but to our environment. This virus spreads and becomes stronger by the minute, as it is doing this, it uses energy, now once it spreads, it doesn't stop, it multiplies. The multiplying effect is just like reproduction because it needs to create more of itself, in order to live. Now not all viruses have cells, and without cells, it would not be able to adapt to the environment. Without having the seven characteristics, the cell might not even be there anymore. …show more content…

Protein is very essential for growing and becoming stronger. No protein, means no life. As protein gives the circus energy, this energy can also affect plants, animals, and bacteria. These virus have mostly negative effects on the resources. They can kill, and pretty much ruin anything they touch. However there are virus that only affect humans, not plants or bacteria. It change pretty often, as there are millions of circus out there in the world. An example of a circus that only affects humans is Smallpox, and a virus that only affects plants is the tobacco mosaic virus. In my opinion, I do not think these virus could work like how they do, and be dead. That doesn't sound right, as when something is dead, it stop’s

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