
Why The UPS Employee Reward System Is The Top In Its Industry

Decent Essays

Why The UPS Employee Reward System Is The Top In Its Industry Introduction By the very nature of its business model, the United Parcel Service of America (UPS) is task- and process-intensive, relying on its employees as the catalysts of delivering excellent service. While nearly every CEO at one time or another has said that their people are their most important assets, UPS lives by this mantra and has the financial figures on their investments in training and intensive programs to prove it (UPS, 2013). In a typical year UPS will spend nearly $300M on training including customized courseware and distance learning programs, many of them oriented towards giving their employees a more solid base for personal and professional development (Emmons, 1995). In conjunction with intensive training programs and high levels of investment in education, UPS also has one of the most advanced and thoroughly subscribed-to employee ownership programs in the Fortune 1,000 today. Their employee ownership program is designed to provide every employee with a very strong foundation of autonomy, mastery and purpose in their jobs, which are the building blocks of long-term learning and motivation (Dwortzan, 1982). The combination of the training programs and employee ownership give each employee a very clear sense of how valuable they are to the company and how critical their role is to daily profitability. The intent of this analysis is to evaluate why the UPS employee reward system is the best

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