
Why The Caged Bird Sing Analysis

Decent Essays

Many struggle with the concept of growing up. Some struggle with school work others with social status or making friends. These problems can be narrowed down to one thing that is the most important thing to have while growing up. Not friends, not perfect grades, not the newest car, but confidence. Confidence allows one to excel of what you are good at, but when you sit back and doubt yourself you will never make it to where you dream of being.
Marguerite in “Why the Caged Bird Sings” was good at school work and reading and liked it too. She should be confident in that but that confidence should push her to be better. As Mrs.Flowers “Why the Caged Bird Sings” said “Your grandmother says you read a lot. Every chance you get. That is good, but not good enough. Words mean more than what is set down on paper….” (Angelou, 56) This showing that confidence can help her push to get better, to advance into life with one foot ahead of where she was. …show more content…

Let it push you to be as good or better than them. David from “On Being Seventeen Bright and Unable to Read” says “They would make fun of me every chance they got, asking me to spell words like “cat” or something like that.” (Raymond 79) That could have been used to maybe ask for help sooner, or even try to find ways around his problem. That shaming that other kids brought him could have only brought him confidence, to be better than what he is now. In “The Utterly Perfect Murder” Doug was seeking revenge for how Ralph treated him as a child, such as bullying and disrespecting him. He thinks back to a moment in his childhood with Ralph “Remember how he hit my arm? Bruises. I was covered with bruises, both arms; dark blue, mottled black, strange yellow bruises.” (Bradbury 21) Now if Doug had the confidence to say stop and go find other people to be around he could have been a lot better off. He would be able to move on and not feel the need to “kill”

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