
Why The Big Bang Was Essential For The Creation Of The Universe

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The universe was created about 13.5 billion years ago by a huge explosion called the Big Bang. When this occurred, every particle and substance that makes up our universe was created and sent out into the vast vacuum we call space. Once in space, the products from the explosion started to react with each other; creating stars, planets, and light in the process. The Big Bang was essential for the creation of our universe because it created all of the particles that can be found our universe.
Initially, material was shot out into space at speeds unimaginable to the human race. Small particles called protons, neutron and electrons were created and they became the building blocks for all atoms and elements. An electron is a negatively charged particle that can carry electricity, whereas protons are positively charged and neutrons have no charge. Both the proton and neutron are made up of smaller materials called quarks. The proton, neutron, and electron all combined to make all of the elements found in the universe.
Hydrogen was the first element created after the explosion, and is composed of 1 …show more content…

Stars are massive balls of fire that can produce heat up to 6,000 Kelvin. In the process of nuclear fusion elements are combined in order to create heavier elements. As a result, massive amounts of energy is created. This energy is then used by the sun to keep itself intact. Nuclear fusion forged helium atoms through the fusion of hydrogen atoms in the center of stars. The process of combining lighter elements to form heavier elements continues making elements like oxygen and silicon. However, nuclear fusion can only occur to a certain extent. Thus the heaviest element a star can produce is iron because a star is unable to move heavier particles to make energy. As a result of fusing heavy elements, the star becomes unable to create the amount of energy needed for stability, and it

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