
Why Teens Must Learn For Becoming Safe Drivers

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Why Teens Must Learn to Become Safe Drivers Most Americans over the age of sixteen have a license and drive a car, the problem is not everyone can handle their car in an elegant manor. Most teenagers on the road do not have much experience on driving, especially in a stressful situation like trying to merge onto a busy roadway. In order to entice new drivers on practicing safe driving tactics, numerous written reports, peer reviews, and articles establishing the fact that teens are not simply prepared to drive we be discussed. Teens have been proven to get into more crashes than someone who is thirty or older. Since new innovations and technological advances happen every year, people seem to get lost in what is happening in their car …show more content…

If a driver does not think this is becoming much of an issue, the next time they are at a stop light they can make a game out of how many people they can spot on their phones. In a peer reviewed article in EHS Today, Sandy Smith reports that teens aged fourteen to seventeen, think they will not get into a car crash while texting versus drinking and driving (Smith). Smith also states:
In a 2008 study by the United Kingdom 's Transport Research Laboratory, reaction time of drivers 17-24 years of age was reduced by 35 percent when typing a text message, compared with 12 percent when driving after consuming alcohol to the legal limit. A similar study was released in 2006 by the University of Utah using participants 22-34 years of age. This study found that the impairments associated with talking on a cell phone can be as profound as those associated with driving while intoxicated during those times when drivers are directly engaged in cell phone use. (Smith)
This report is proof that texting is very much a hazard and can be as dangerous, if not more than drinking and driving. According to The Multitasking Mind distracted driving produces “jerky and unstable driving” when compared to non-distracted driving (Salvucci and Taagen 71). The poor judgment calls that these teens make can affect the lives of those who pass by them everyday. The solution to this would be problematic situation would be to change laws on texting and driving, as not

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