
Why Should The Tax Paid In The British Monarchy

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Down with the monarchy, we are no ones subjects.
"Long live the queen" more like long live the British defecit.
Over the last few years the British government has made a lot of cuts to the things we desperately need such as education, housing, health and public services. When will the madness end? The biggest mistake the government are making is cutting from the minor things we do not need that could be easily taken away with few setbacks like the monarchy.
In the early 1800's, the royals were viewed with the upper most of gratitude and respect. The Royals were a symbol of the countries strength, power and status. Now the tables have turned and they've turned into a huge joke, who's lives seem to resemble, the lives of those on bad reality …show more content…

In 2013-14 the monarchy has cost the poor tax payers 35.7 million, which is approximately 56p per person a year. Obviously members of the royal family have came to agree with claims that their services are value for money, but is this claim accurate? I don't think so. Why should we pay our hard earned cash, for a family to live the elitist life when most of us couldn't afford it for ourselves. Why should the tax payers, be expected to pay for their 20 room houses with security for Will and Kate, and the big fancy and tacky weddings, expensive holidays, and fancy …show more content…

If the monarchy were "worth the money" why would people doubt that they are. Why don't we have any evidence to back up their value, I'm sorry but their word isn't good enough for me and it shouldn't be good enough for you. Some uneducated people may argue that the royal family still have the same relevance as they did centuries ago, but this is simply untrue. Back in the 1800s the monarchy were the only controllers of the country or the main controllers anyway but now we have politicians who decide everything. All the monarchy do is rubber stamp bills and sit around pocketing the public's hard earned

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