It may be time for us to pick away out vacation wardrobe and ditch our swimming costumes for scarfs but that doesn't mean we should pack away our gym gear for another year. Staying fit and keeping away from comfort food during the winter months is difficult.
Need a helping hand to stay motivated during the colder months? Here are my tops tips for keeping trim during the winters:
1. Stay Hydrated
Lose weight easily by topping up your water bottle regularly. Water is one of the easiest ways to shed pounds and it can also improve the appearance of your skin and hair.
Health experts have found that drinking water can boost metabolism by 24-30% over a period of 1-1.5 hours. This means that the more water you drink the more calories you are likely to burn.
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Stay Warm with Green Tea
We love to finish off our day with a hot drink during the winter months. If you are looking to cut out all over the sugar from unhealthy drinks like hot chocolate, then make sure you are subsidising it with something like green tea.
Green tea is much like coffee as it has so many benefits, one of them being weight loss! Although these is a small amounts of caffeine in green tea it loaded with powerful antioxidants called catechins. Catechin are an excellent source for weight loss as they are believed to work in sync with the caffeine to enhance fat burning.
3. Coconut Oil
Coconut Oil has been a wonder food for ages. Not only is Coconut oil very healthy but many people use it to improve the condition of their hair.
Coconut oil is very effective as it is high in special fats called medium chain triglycerides, which are metabolized differently than other fats.
By cooking with coconut oil you could be boosting your metabolism by 120 calories per day! Coconut oil can also be very filling and it will reduce your appetite.
If you are aiming for weight loss and considering adding coconut oil to your diet, remember, coconut is a replacement for your current cooking oils - stay clear of bad
As you read on, Krissy lists 11 different foods that helps your metabolism, such as, greek yogurt, celery, kimchi, spinach, water, lean protein, fish, green tea, whole eggs, chilli peppers, and avocados. Krissy also states that, these foods include, calcium, fiber, Probiotics, vitamin D, and even omega-3s!
"Grapefruit oil is only one of many essential oils that a person may use when they wish to slim down. Numerous others will be of benefit also, and one may need to try a number of oils to find the ones they like the most. Peppermint oil helps to reduce cravings while improving digestion, and lemon oil addresses intestinal parasites that may contribute to weight gain. With the help of the books offered in this promotion, individuals find they can learn about the different oils and how they may help someone looking to shed some pounds," Battles continues.
Although you lose weight by flushing water from your system, that’s only because water is fairly heavy. Once you allow your body to return to normal it will replace the water artificially released. Just like crashing off weight, pounds lost through water will come right back
To talk about the heath benefits that tea provides you first need to know what kinds of teas there are, because they all help our bodies in different ways.
As coconut oil is definitely a saturated fat, we do know that the medical evidence that exists thus far is that such fats can do us harm, raising our “bad” cholesterol levels. A quick question to your doctor or another health professional is probably the best way to decide whether to add coconut oil to your shopping list or to continue using another oil like olive, that is not a source of saturated
It’s that time of year again when Western women groan at their reflections in the mirror and wonder how many hours in the gym it will take to work off the excesses of winter, to get themselves back into swimsuit shape again.
Increase in metabolic rate is essential when you are having fat-burning nutrients, with diets enriched with polyphenols you can melt your fat in faster than any other nutrients taken alone. Polyphenol is a type of antioxidant which has been proven to boost up your metabolic rate and helps you burn fats. Usually this antioxidant found excessively in green tea. For those who have consumed large amount of fats in their diet since so many years, treating your body by having polyphenols diet can reduce maximum weight in a short period of time. Even a cup of green tea per day can fulfil the requirements. Not only but polyphenols are also known to reduce anxiety attacks in patients and helps in mood uplift. Appetite suppression is also
Author's Note: This research is for Professor Rob Paixao B234/BUL2241 Section 01 Business Law Course written by Caden Ross on 02/17/2013.
If you happen to come across the water diet and you wish to try it, it is best to do some research about it, but the very first thing you should do is to get yourself checked by your family doctor or a nutritionist and ask if you are actually safe to do this certain type of diet or any type
Hydration with water and other water-based liquids is critical for survival and functioning of the body’s organs. Water is 60% of the total human body composition. Water is involved in the
Coconut, also known as the Tree of Life, is the fruit from palm trees and its existence dates as far as the ancient periods and we are sure that this plant is here to stay! It’s no wonder people refer to it as the Tree of Life, because of its fascinating looks and numerous benefits and healing properties, but it one of the most economically important palm and number one crop tree in the States. You can find all forms of coconut on the market and all of them are as useful as the plant itself. Some people choose to consume it raw, some adore the coconut water, others splurge their body with some coconut oil and many are enjoying using coconut milk in their everyday life. Before we go further into the miraculous properties of this fascinating
People sometimes confuse thirst with hunger. So you can end up eating extra calories when an ice-cold glass of water is really what you need.
These differences, explored in further detail later in this article, actually make coconut oil one of the healthiest oils available for culinary use.
Coconut оil is is riѕing ѕо ԛuiсklу in popularity bесаuѕе оf itѕ hеаling, аnti-inflаmmаtоrу рrореrtiеѕ. Dieters also lоvе coconut oil bесаuѕе of itѕ metabolism ѕuрроrting
As winter is slowly coming to an end, you might be turning your attention to summer and the bikini season. If you’ve put on a bit of weight during the colder months, you don’t need to worry. There’s plenty of time to get your eating habits fixed and lose a bit of weight while eating healthily. Here are a few essential tips to guarantee you lose weight without harming your mind and body.