
Why Should College Athletes Be Required To Stay In College

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“It tarnishes what we’re trying to do as coaches; it tarnishes the idea that kids are here to get an education.” Tad Boyle, Colorado men’s basketball head coach from With AAU tournaments and Prep Schools getting them ready for the next level, there is much young basketball talent that is considered “NBA ready” within their first year of college. College basketball players should be required to stay in college for at least three years. With all the hype surrounding them to become young superstars, some athletes and members of NBA front offices don’t realize how important two or three more years of college could be to them. The NCAA has a rule like this set on college football players, so the rule for basketball shouldn’t be any different. These extra three years could give these players more time to develop their skills, physique, and get an education,
One reason why college basketball players should have to stay at least three years is to further develop their physique. Extra time to improve their physical status can be crucial to a player’s …show more content…

Schooling is very important to NBA athletes for numerous reasons. A degree could save an athlete from becoming bankrupt if he cannot become successful in the NBA. It would give that athlete the skills and knowledge to work another job. Another reason why an education could be important to any professional athlete is the knowledge to manage and spend their money correctly once they earn their big paychecks. The capricious management of money occurs far too often in professional basketball players. Former NBA all-star Shaquille O’Neal recalls spending “1 million in 30 minutes”, according to O’Neal also agrees that college athletes should stay for at least three years in college, and that an education is the most important thing to

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