
Why Should An Authoritarian Regime Remain In Power?

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Authoritarian regimes remain in power using many different methods including public manipulation, strategic stacking and reward to their officials and institutions, and violent response to opposition. These examples allow for corruption that Pei (2009) describes as a, “vital governing tool for authoritarian regimes.” Bueno de Mesquita and Smith (2011) note that: Despotic rulers stay in power by rewarding a small group of loyal supporters, often composed of key military officers, senior civil servants and family members or clansmen. A central responsibility of these loyalists is to suppress opposition to the regime. But they only carry out this messy, unpleasant task if they are well rewarded. Autocrats therefore need to ensure a continuing flow of benefits to their cronies. …show more content…

Countries rich with resources, such Iran and Nigeria with their large oil reserves, are able to provide their political party elites and institutions with tax or natural resource revenues, which serves as an effective incentive to make sure the regime endures. Additionally, leaders that participate in transparent power-sharing help continue their rule and the regime. Svolik (2012) indicates that, “misperceptions of the dictator’s actions may easily breed suspicions that spawn intraelite confrontations that needlessly bring down a dictator or even an entire regime” (p.89). Therefore, regular meetings with institutions regarding policy changes maintains transparency and loyalty between the elites, thereby ensuring the continued success of the regime. Although, in many authoritarian systems the top political leaders can either change or ignore their constitution when it contradicts their desires and remove officials from office. Therefore, it is beneficial to retain transparency among the institutions to alleviate tensions and retain order within the

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