
Why Do Some Parents Have The Biased Experiences Of Their Daughters

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Why do some parents still have the limited biased experiences of their daughters not being able to take on the full plate of both pink and blue? Being the only daughter, I had to deal with not being able to do what my brothers can do because I’m a girl. My brother and I go out every other weekend with our own friends. As soon as it’s midnight I start getting phone calls from my parents asking where am I at, and what time am I getting home. If I say I’ll be home in an hour or so they flip out and tell me that I’m a young lady and she be home no later than 12am. So I rush home because I’m a “descent” young lady. However, my brother doesn’t get one phone from my parents asking what time will he be home at. In fact, there’s night where he …show more content…

Since the moment of birth we are placed on the dual track. A newborn is wrapped in a pink blanket emphasizing that the newborn is a female and a newborn wrapped in a blue blanket shows that the baby is a male. After this moment the newborn male or female are gender scripted. A female is typically on the pink side of the dual track expected to be sensitive, feminine, dependent and to stay home to clean the house and take care of her children. On the other hand, a male is on the blue side of the dual track and suppose to be strong, masculine, independent, head of the household, successful and aggressive. We are gender intensified three times in our lives, the first time is when we are born we are place on either the pink or blue side of the dual track emphasizing which track we belong to based on our gender. The second time is when we are beginning adolescence, during this time one is going through puberty and is in search for his or her identity leading to once again basing on one’s genitalia, clarifying whether you are a female or a male. The third time is when a couple is going through a pregnancy, gender scripts are clear indicating that the female will be giving birth to the child therefore is expected to stay home, while the male is expected to provide and protect in all ways for his family. These expectations lead to why men and women are considered as the “opposite” sex, meaning that these two genders have no overlap what so ever. It is

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