
Why Parents And Faculty Describe Parental Involvement

Decent Essays

The last merging theme is barriers that inhibit parent involvement. This teme addresses the research question, “ How do parents and faculty describe parental involvement for students in grades 6th-12th attending a high poverty, rural school?” Participants consistently identified barriers in the district that directly affects their involvement and th descriptions they provided Parents may not be able to volunteer, be directly involved, assit their child with homework, attend meetings, or fulfill obligations of active parent involvement due to possible barriers. Based on the perceptions of administrators, teachers, and parents, the barriers preventing parent involvement for the district in this study include educational, psychological, cultural, and work barriers. Educational barriers. The education levels for parents appeared to be the most perplexing barriers and best explanation for the lack of parent involvement in the district. Feedback from interviews and focus groups indicated that low educational attainment among parents, visible education gaps displayed by parents, and lack of knowledge understanding the curriculum were major contributors to the educational barriers, AS previously stated, 57% of the parents in the district have a high school diploma, 9% have a G.E.D., and 3% are high school dropouts. Parents’ responses indicated that 11% have some form of technical training certification. The parent participants often stated that on many occasions, the homework

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