
Why Mindfulness Is Important To Me

Decent Essays

Mindfulness, to me, is being present in my daily life. It’s not just being at my daughter’s cheer games, but truly being there and participating in watching her and the other girls. Mindfulness is sitting with my grandpa and not just listening to stories from long ago, but actually hearing the stories. It’s me blocking out making my to-do list in my head while I take a shower. For me to incorporate more mindfulness into my life, the very first thing I need to do is to try and cut back on distractions that tend to pull me away – namely my cell phone. As a parent, I want to capture every picture I can of my kids, but after this reading and some soul searching I can remember plenty of times I was stuck behind my phone trying to get a perfect …show more content…

But I am human and sometimes let my emotions get the best of me. I was arguing with my mother over a child raising tactic, she felt I should be going a different route (the one she used on us growing up) versus the way I wanted to try. We both got heated and I said something to the effect that her version turned out so well since all of us children has screwed up in life. I knew it would be hurtful to her, because she takes our hurting and downfalls personally (probably more than she should). I immediately felt guilty for what I said; I honestly didn’t want to hurt my mother. My guilt could have been a positive action, if I would have had an open dialog with my mother about my feelings and expectations as her being the grandmother and me as the mother. I didn’t do it at that moment, and I wish I had. It took a few more episodes for me and my mother to finally have that conversation.
Road rage is definitely as response to high-stress lives, not only the act of driving. If I have a fabulous day, running on time and everything is running smoothly and someone cuts me off or sits too long at a red light, I will be understanding and forgiving of their actions. But, if my day at work was terrible, my kids aren’t listening to me and my husband forgot to do a simple task and someone cuts me off or doesn’t use a turn signal I can get irate, blow my horn, and make hand gestures. My personal level of road rage will definitely parallel from the day I have

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