
Why Lifeguarding Is Important To Me

Decent Essays

Of all the jobs I have had in my life one sticks in my head more than the rest. This job not only taught me discipline and punctuality, but it also taught me that some people are completely stupid and negligent of their children and themselves. During the normal work day, which lasted from noon until eight at night, I would sometime see over two hundred people in a day. Each of these people would put their lives into my hand to watch and protect from the 225,000 gallon danger that surrounded each one of them. I would literally guard their life. Lifeguarding was one of the most rewarding jobs for me because it taught me numerous things while I was on the stand and working around the pool. One thing that lifeguarding taught me is the importance of always being alert and observing my surrounding for possible danger and trouble. One instance …show more content…

The day was hot and sunny; I had been there for about 20 minutes, so I entered this lull of waiting for another lifeguard to come up in ten minutes. I suddenly noticed this young guy who had been struggling to move around in the shallow end start running towards the deep end. All of my attention was drawn to him. He jumped into the deep end so I quickly stood up to watch him and see if he was okay. Right when I stood up he began to struggle to stay afloat. “Are you okay? Do you need help?” is all I remembered yelling before I jumped in the water with clothes and all to save him. The distressed look on his face was terrifying to me so I can not imagine what the experience was like for him. When I had finally swam to him, he grabbed onto my rescue tube and an instant sign of relief came across his face. I swam the boy to the shallow end where he could touch the bottom. This one rescue showed me just how important my job was at that very moment. Each person that came to the pool was putting their life into the hands of each of the lifeguards that were responsible for watching over

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