
Why Is There So Many Bad Things Happening In The Whole World

Decent Essays

“How is there so many bad things happening in the world and the world staying absolutely quiet?” This is a common question that many people often ask and never truly know the full answer. In the book Night, Elie Wiesel speaks of a similar situation, however he asks his question indirectly to the whole world, as a sort of question that is not really being stated obviously but reading between the lines. Wiesel realizes that the world does not see the pain of others because the world is selfish, however some people do see the pain and try to help. Many terrible things happen in our world today and so many people do not see the pain and suffering of others but merely focus on themselves and their own well-being. When Wiesel first walks into the gates of Birkenau he says to himself an obvious point that desperately needed to be stated in …show more content…

Elie Wiesel stated that he believed that if people could only see the damage that was being done then they would be willing to help. “…I told him that I could not believe that human beings were being burned in our times; the world would never tolerate such crimes” (33). Even though Elie was watching people being burned alive he still believed that even though the world was silent something had to be taking place somewhere in order to stop this terrible, non-necessary pain that these hate filled people were causing. He believed that somewhere something was happening to stop these deaths. Even though we cannot see that people are taking charge and trying to help this world we call home, it is happening. Asking why a person does not do anything is crazy because many people who do get asked this questions are the type of people who are doing something to better our world. However, their little acts can only be seen so

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