
Why Is The Confederation Important To The Constitution

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Test 2: Study Guide
The term, “citizen soldiers” refers to the unreliable and untrained army George Washington assembled to resist the forces of the British. The army consisted of poor farmers and indentured servants that were supported by the farmers’ supplies across America. After Washington realized he needed a professional army of his own, he recruited full-time soldiers from various colonies and called it the Continental Army. The term is important to the study of American history because the “citizen-soldiers” initially fought against the British, which inspired others to join and fight to form a new, independent nation.
Articles of Confederation
The Articles of Confederation was a written document that formed the first formal government of America. The Confederation Congress took a crucial role during the expansion of the western territories because it created three ordinances that ensured an orderly development of the vast territories. Although the Confederation had its various benefits, it also had its many weaknesses. Under the Confederation, Congress failed to provide support for the American frontiersman against the Spanish and also struggled to resolve other economical and financial issues such as the disorderly system of national currency. The Confederation was important to the study of American history because it eventually formed the …show more content…

To persuade those who opposed the Constitution, members of the Federalists, in particular, James Madison, Alexander Hamilton, and John Jay, published a collection of 85 essays during 1787 and 1788, in an effort to show their support for the Constitution. The Federalist Papers were vital to America’s history because it not only was important in the creation of America, but it also provides people a deeper understanding of the significance of the Constitution

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