I think the war could have been avoidable because if we would have made a treaty to stop slavery then there wouldn’t have to be any war at all. The only reason they started wars and fights is because of slavery. The people that owned the slaves weren’t being fair and neither was the government. When Abraham Lincoln came along he tried to stop slavery and set them free and live their lives on their own with their families. But, Abraham had a slave but his wife owned her/him not Lincoln. He’s was the one trying to stop slavery. The North and the south had a disagreement because of the salves the north and the south both had slaves so they really had nothing to fight about. The north side was trying to stop the slavery in the first place, but they still had slaves were they lived. …show more content…
One of the reasons for my argument or opinions is that when the South side found out or got into the argument they took it to far and started a war. The Civil War was pretty much pointless and very cruel. In my opinion the Civil War was a very sad thing that should never be in America’s history. I also think that it was a great sacrifice for America’s heroes. If none of them would have sacrificed their lives for America then it might not have been like it is today. The flip side part of this essay is, that some people in the south and in the north think that’s it’s a problem to have slaves which I think it is wrong. But some people are just to stubborn to know that every person on this earth should have equal rights and the ability to do what ever they want and when they want to. They still need to follow the laws and pay things for your home and all but still. I think that the north side was right about stopping slavery because, if slavery hadn’t been stopped then people would not be free and things would be a whole lot different then when it was back
The North and South both had opposite opinions about slavery, The South favored slavery because of there agricultural based economy which they needed slaves to attend to their harvests and crops, the North was against slavery because they were an industrialized nation they had no need for slavery. This debate went on and almost resulted
The people from the North wanted to stop slavery from getting any bigger, but others wanted to stop it all together. While the people in the south wanted to make it even then it
This debate created much animosity between the north and south, and put into question the future of slavery. The south wanted to ensure its continuation of it’s a way of life, and the right to own slaves. They wanted to ensure that the new territories of the United States were free to choose for themselves whether or not slavery should be justified in their territory. This
The Civil War was the second most brutal war in the history of the great country of the United States. The Civil War started in December 1860 after president Abraham Lincoln had run for president. The Confederates believed that the new president would change the Federal view on slavery. John Crittenden had made a proposal to divide the United States at the 36° longitude line, and the North of the line would be slavery free and the South would be anything goes. The Confederates thought this proposal was unfair, and they reacted a little bit. But the question is, ‘Could the Civil War have been avoided?’ The answer is no. We would be a country divided in two because of: (1. Slavery; (2. Political
The north didn’t want slavery, but were told to return the slaves who tried to escape. And the Abolitionists just wanted the slavery to end throughout the entire country. This dispute about slavery led to the free soil party. After this event, I wanted to believe there would be a compromise. Unfortunately, the dispute about slavery in the states would started again with Clay vs. Calhoun.
Civil war was not avoidable. The Civil War took place in order for southern states to influence the federal government laws. One example is slavery. The South wanted to spread slavery into the western states, while the North wanted it all to themselves or white labor itself. The election of Abraham Lincoln also had an effect on the South in which they felt neglected from the political system that led to the Civil War.
In my belief, the civil war couldn't have been avoided. The biggest cause of the civil war was the dispute over the future of the slavery. Without the was, there was no possibility for the southern state to abolish slavery because slaves were a;ready being used for a large variety of jobs. Southerners believed that slaves were cheaper and more manageable form of labor who could be trained to work in the factories. Slavery was economic foundation for the south, which meant they wouldn't have ended slavery without the war.
The only way it could have been avoided was by peace. This means there would not have to be a civil war. No innocent lives or the lives of soldiers would have to be lost. Some people believe this is what should have happened. It would have happened by Abraham Lincoln talking to the leaders in the South.
I believe that the Civil War was inevitable. Almost any time the Civil War is debated, one of the most infamous questions is asked, whether the war was inevitable or if it could have been avoided. On December 20th, 1860, South Carolina declared its plan to secede from the Union. The Secession of South Carolina was followed by the secession of six additional states from the South. By February 1861, the seven southern states had drafted a provisional constitution and became the Confederate States of America.
The Civil War was a great deal about slavery. Slavery was overwhelmingly the cause for example, the "states' right" always mentioned seems to have been the right to have slaves. IMHO. If you wanted to stop the war you needed to stop slavery.
The civil war was the bloodiest war ever fought on American soil, and many people argue that this war could have been avoided, instead of the bloodshed that was exhibited during this gruesome time. The disagreements that had lead to the Civil War had been causing tensions for years, so a simple document or treaty would not have been enough to fix it, if anything it would have just held the war back a couple more years causing the tensions to get worse and possibly altering the outcome of the war. There are many reasons the war was inevitable but the reasons that stand out to the rest are that the disagreements had built up to much tension to be resolved, a treaty wouldn’t not be enough to stop the tension, and sectionalism had already dividing the country. The civil war was inevitable because there were so many disagreements between the North and the South that only a war could solve.
After thoroughly assessing past readings and additional research on the Civil War between the North and South, it was quite apparent that the war was inevitable. Opposed views on this would have probably argued that slavery was the only reason for the Civil War. Therefore suggesting it could have been avoided if a resolution was reached on the issue of slavery. Although there is accuracy in stating slavery led to the war, it wasn’t the only factor. Along with slavery, political issues with territorial expansion, there were also economic and social differences between North and South. These differences, being more than just one or two, gradually led to a war that was bound to happened one way or another.
In my opinion, the main cause the civil war is the Economic Factors. As a popular saying goes: interests above everything else. In my opinion, the slave was the most important for the South, because the South was the farmers plantation economy, they need a lot of slaves. When the North and Lincoln against the slavery and wanted to abolish, exactly, which will threaten the South benefits. Maybe there were not any good ways to solve the South difficult rather than war. Basically, there is nobody want to war, sometimes war can solve many difficulty problems deeply. Obviously, the US Civil War was the elimination of slavery, emancipation of slaves and makes America from division to unity. Everything has two sides. If you have seen the film called Saving Private Ryan. You will know war is horrible. In this movie, soldiers died by bomb or killed by the enemy. The river became red by their blood. War is evil. What I want say is if there is good way to solve problem than war, absolutely, we will not choose war. War is a sharp way to solve every problems, war just causes more problems to civilian, every sensible person knows that, I guess that means
The American Civil War was unavoidable. Because of regional and political disputes the country would have continued to boil even if the extremists on both sides were kept under control. No matter what was done politically a conflict was necessary to eradicate slavery from this continent.
The Civil War was a war between the union, and confederate states in the United States that occurred from 1861-1865. Many people believed that the Civil War was about slavery and southern states right to defend their states’ rights. The confederates were fighting for their liberty and independence under the leadership of Abraham Lincoln, who they felt was a tyrant. However, the union, was fighting to preserve their territory, that was created by their founding fathers from chaos and dismemberment. President Jefferson Davis believed that the civil war was based on the confederate rights to secede from the union. Jefferson also felt that Abraham Lincoln was to blamed for the start of the civil war, since he was against slavery. Lincoln’s intended goal was to preserve the union, he claimed slavery was not the reason. “If I could save the union without freeing any slave I would do it, and if I could save it by freeing all slaves I would do it, and if I could slave it by freeing some and leaving others alone I would also do that (Shi &Tindall, 2015, pg.465)”. Lincoln told everyone that if the southern states were to return to the union that slavery would still exist. However, many people believed that Lincoln wasn’t being truthful.