
Why Is Stereotyping Important?

Decent Essays

When someone thinks about current issues found in today’s society, death rates, crimes, and economic trends may be a few of the topics that crosses one’s mind. This may be due to the idea that these topics are some of the most obvious inclinations seen on a day to day basis. In a way, these popular topics tend to overshadow several other issues that do, in fact, exist throughout our surroundings. For instance, stereotyping is a constant battle for several individuals and may lead to serious consequences. To clarify, stereotyping is the act of “judging others based on preconceived generalizations about groups or categories of people” (Ferris & Stein, 2014, p.117). Not only is this concept tremendously underestimated, but it is also one that …show more content…

Interestingly enough, the majority of all groups experience stereotyping to a certain degree even if a person does not notice it at times, possibly because it has become a normal aspect of our communication skills and discussions. However, it should not be normal and it should not be ignored. Some of the several situations that tend to attract stereotyping are found in the professional fields. Fortunately, attempts to prevent such behaviors have led to many institutional policies which state that asking how old an applicant is or how many kids they have is against the law during the recruitment process. Furthermore, one of the biggest, and evident, stereotypical circles revolve around one’s ethnicity, race, origin, culture, physical appearances, or economic stability. Therefore, although many may believe that stereotypes are mostly targeted towards groups such as African Americans and Hispanics, individuals from all walks of life can encounter such typecasts. To further prove the severity of stereotypes, Jeff Nesbit (2015), former National Science Foundation’s director of public affairs for the white house and author of “America, Racial Bias Does Exist,” stated that “[r]esearchers at the National Opinion Research Center at the University of Chicago found that what people tell pollsters is, in fact, quite different than what they believe. Many Americans still do, in fact, harbor beliefs about racial and ethnic minorities that are based on racist stereotypes.” Moreover, some victims of stereotyping may also be those who perform stereotypes towards others in some way. The impact of such behaviors have led individuals to feel unsafe, uncomfortable, tortured, or as if they lack a unique character. To some extent, stereotypes have been linked to bullying and, therefore, have resulted

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