
Why Is Social Media Positive?

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Social media can be negative but what some people don’t know is that social media can be a lifesaver. I was online talking with a friend who lives in another city and she said she was really depressed and i was able to talk her out of committing suicide and to go get help.There are so many different cases that are like that where people go online for salvation, sadly there were no articles on it in the packet that i saw. The reason why this topic is important to write about is that if parents only find stuff saying social media is horrible and no children should use it, then the parents will become overprotective and their children might not be able to grow up fully. Social media is good because it connects people, help bring up self esteem, It can help spread awareness of social issues. One reason why social media is positive because it connects people. According to Kelly Wallace in the article The upside of selfies: Social media isn't all bad for …show more content…

Kelly Wallace from the article the upside of selfies: social isn't all bad for kids writes “in a survey of more than 1,000 13-17 year olds about how they view their digital lives, 28% said social networking made them feel more outgoing versus the 5% said it made them feel less so; and 29% said it made them feel less shy versus the 3% who said it made them feel more introverted.” This shows us that more often than not people will have good experience online. Thus . Kelly Wallace in The upside of selfies: Social media isn't all bad for kids writes “ The response from other kids was so awesome. I mean we had kids who were truly tone deaf and it didn't even matter everyone's like “ you're awesome, go follow your dreams, don't give up.” This tells us that people can be supportive even online. Ergo this tells us how some or most how people act online. Social media is positive because it can help people who have low self confidence to bring it

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