
Why Is Private School Worth The Cost Of Education?

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Is the advantage of attending a private school worth the financial debt that comes along with the upgrading education? There has been a controversy between whether or not it is worth the money to pay for the education.The famous actor Spike Lee once said, “I am very fortunate I can send my kids to private school, but everybody does not have the money. If you cannot get your kid in a good school today, your kids are going to be behind the eight ball.” What spike is say in these words of wisdom he said is that if one can not get the education that is needed later on in life the child will be behind later on in life. Private school education is extremely expensive at an average price of $13,030 per year (J.D., 2013). The price of private school …show more content…

Also, the food and many other things are generally better at public schools. The public schools are giving the students better education. Along with the better education the students get paid better in their profession. An example of the better pay is Kettering University, a private engineering school. At Kettering you go to school for a quarter of the school year and then the university will find the student a job. After the student works for a quarter the student will go back to school for a quarter and then work for the last quarter and make an excellent amount of money while working. The cost to attend Kettering is about $40,000 a year with the work that is done while attending the university in that year it will be brought down to about 20,000 dollars (Cost of Attending Kettering University). The average amount that a graduating student of a mechanical engineer makes out of college is about $65,000 per year. Another thing that's significant about this private school is most of the students by their senior year they are running the job sites and are bosses of men who are twice their age. Public schools are generally a lot better at education than other …show more content…

Since Kettering is located in Flint, MI. The city of Flint is on the top ten list for the most violent cities in the United States. One thing that the university does is they have tunnels that go underground so when you go to class you do not have to go outside. This is also nice in the winter when it is cold or snowing since Michigan has a cold winter climate. The underground, tunnels also make it harder for ice to form so the students of the university will be able to walk faster and not have to worry about the ice that may form in the winter time, so they do not slip and fall and have to pay more money with their doctor

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