
Why Is Pip So Important To Me

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Pip dreads soccer and wants to quit it badly, but then his father would be disappointed in him. Pip is not very convincing, he can’t even convince the girl next door that he wants to be more than friends. Then one day he stumbles his way to a rock climbing gym and goes for a practice run with out ropes pip is warily of his surroundings and if he makes one mistake that could cost him his life. Phillip also known as pip or pipsqueak gets a chance for extra credit and all he has to do is be able to juggle 3 balls for more then 20 seconds. Then he hears news that the girl next door, Katie has a boyfriend. Pip doesn’t like it because Pip was always to shy to tell her how he truly feels, but now it’s to late. Then Pip Joins the rock climbing team and signs up for the tournament and he tries his best to prove to everyone that he is no longer a pipsqueak. During the tournament he shows great fortitude. A boy Thomas Endress will participate in the test. This test is very important to him. I will be questioning about if he ever gets the …show more content…

A boy named Thomas Endress participates in a test and he thinks he wont be able to pass. I predict that Thomas wont be able to pass and later on in the book he will be able to. I predicted this because of this quote “you should never have been chosen” (Charbonneau 30). Thomas has been repeating this in his head because he thinks he isn’t qualified enough to take the test. So the first was questioning about if he ever gets the girl next door, then connecting when they all see pips little sister walking for her first time and predicting in my next book the testing. Out of reach was a good book one of the best I’ve read so far, and the testing I’ve haven’t read much yet but I can tell its going to be a great book I think I deserve a 9 out 10 because I spent a lot of time in the journal and because sense this is my first journal in a while it might be a little

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