
Why Is Odysseus Justified In His Actions

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Odysseus was justified in his actions by severely punishing the wooers. Odysseus had all right to be upset and seek revenge over the wooers. The wooers knew what would happen to them if Odysseus had returned to his kingdom and heard of their wrongdoings but they still continued. Also for them to attack him in his own home as he issued a warning by killing one wooer is not right and is deemed punishable. Even when a wooer tried to apologize and reason with Odysseus the wooer knew he still did him wrong therefore deserved to be punished.

For twenty years, the wooers pursued Odysseus’s wife, Penelope, dined in his hall, and gave gifts to her to capture her heart. They were aware that what they were doing was wrong but they still continued under the impression that Odysseus was dead. For twenty years, Odysseus tried to get home to his wife and son and his house. When he returned and realized what occurred in his house in his absence he was outraged and had all right to be. The wooers deserved their punishment for their actions were unforgiveable. …show more content…

This also made Odysseus justified in his actions. They fought in his dining room attacking him as he shot arrow after arrow at the wooers. He did this to teach them and others a lesson and show them who was

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