
Why Is Mercury Unique

Decent Essays

Mercury is an elemental transition metal on the periodic table that has some properties that make it unique. It’s most notable trait is that it has one of the lowest melting points of any metal, melting at only -37.89°F. This means that it is a firmly a shiny silver liquid at room temperature. Mercury also only very rarely occurs in nature in its pure state so it is mined from ores like cinnabar (Royal Society of Chemistry). The second most notable trait about mercury is that it is toxic to humans. According to Medscape, “Mercury in any form is poisonous, with mercury toxicity most commonly affecting the neurologic, gastrointestinal and renal organ systems. Poisoning can result from mercury vapor inhalation, mercury ingestion, mercury injection, and absorption of …show more content…

Thankfully, over time, we learned the symptoms of mercury poisoning and slowly phased it out of daily life. Until then though, mercury was a prominent metal and mercury exposure was quite common.

Mercury was an enigma to alchemists throughout history prior, and even after the discovery of its toxicity. The exact date of the discovery of mercury is unknown but human skeletons dated back to 5000 BC have sometimes been found covered in cinnabar, the ore that mercury is mined from. We know that Romans mined mercury to use in paints and pigments by at least 79 CE because of the discovery of pigments containing mercury under the ashes from Mount Vesuvius (Czaika Ellen). Around 1000 CE, people started to use mercury to mine precious metals such as gold through a process called amalgamation. The mercury would form an alloy, called an amalgam, with the gold being mined. Then they would heat up the amalgam until the mercury evaporated away. This would leave behind relatively pure gold (Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility - Office of Science Education). Eventually alchemists realized that the people working with mercury

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