
Why Is Learning Theory Important In Nursing

Decent Essays

In 2000 words discuss why having an understanding of learning theory and learning style is important for your career in nursing? This essay will discuss why having an understanding of learning theory and learning style is important in a career in nursing. Learning theories and styles will be reviewed, along with how this information relates to the authors personal learning journey. The main body of the essay will conclude with a critically analysis of the learning cycle and how having an understanding may have an effect in a career in nursing. For decades, theorists have tried to provide explanations to explain changes in behaviour and how learning takes place. Aliakbari et al. (2015) states that learning theories are the main guide for all educational system planning in the classroom and clinical training included in nursing. Major development theories that have emerged from the studies. This paper will concentrate on the Cognitive Development theory and Behaviourist theory. Aliakbara et al. (2015) recommended to use learning theories, single or separated or a combination in the health professions including in nursing. Behaviourists, believe that all behaviour is a result of a response to a stimulus, with emphasis on scientific and objective methods of investigation. They assume that what we do is determined by the environment and …show more content…

This information can be transferred to both the training of the student and the continuous development of the nurse. Understanding and applying learning styles, allows the individual to identify and develop key area, while not wasting time with already established strengths. However, learning styles are only a preference and while the author may not conform to the typical style of a student nurse, knowledge of areas for further development will only strengthen her determination to

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