
Why Is John Proctor Wrong In The Crucible

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For any person to sacrifice themself for any cause is an extreme example of a strong belief in the right thing. John Proctor is a man in a salem witch trial trying to prove the innocence of falsely accused town members in the play “The Crucible” by Arthur Miller. He is opposed by the lying manipulative Abigail who claims many people are witches which trigger these witch trials. These trials are court holdings to determine witchcraft users. Proctor is virtually alone in upholding the truth. Proctor is a good admirable man because he does the right thing regardless of the situation that he is in. Proctor exposed himself and gave up his good name just to prove what is right. He told the whole court that he committed the action of adultery. “I have known her sir. I have known her.” (Miller 115), he said to judge danforth. He shamed his own name in front of everybody. John knowingly did this to convince the court of the truth because it was the right thing to do. This only failed to prove the townspeople's innocence because his wife Elizabeth wanted him to keep his good reputation as he said, “She only thought to save my name.” (Miller 119) This made john look like a liar which he is not. He is only put in the wrong …show more content…

When the reverends tried to make him confess he reflected on what the impact of the decision could be and ended up refusing. “ I have three children how may i teach them to walk like me in the world, and I have sold my friends.” He realizes this decision may save everyone lives but they will have to live in shame for the rest of their lives. He also protects his wife from abigail’s wrongdoings, “ My wife will never die for me. I will bring your guts into your mouth but that goodness will not die for me” (Miller 85) A good man will try his hardest not to let the people around him get hurt. Proctor was determined to save his family and the townspeople from abigail’s

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