
Why Is It Important To Have School Hours

Decent Essays

“I am thinking about adding an hour and a half to our school day,” states my principal. Are you kidding me? That is an absolute atrocious idea! There is absolutely no upside to this proposal. Teenagers like myself already lack the necessary amount of sleep and this certainly isn’t helping our case. Do the School Board members realize we have a life to live outside of our academic one? We all have different activities to attend and this may require us to readjust our appointments. Not only that, but what happens to our free time? Not only do students need a break throughout the week, the teachers and staff members do too! How could this idea even be considered?
To begin, sleep is a huge and pivotal thing for us adolescents. Many of us already do not get the necessary amount of sleep on weekdays-- and more often than not, it is not our own faults. Lack of sleep has negative effects on teenagers academically, socially, physically, and mentally. It limits our abilities to focus and limits our body’s movement. This isn’t the only thing we get fatigue from-- homework also causes tiredness. I agree homework is necessary for kids so the things we learn in class don’t go in one ear and out the other, but with four core classes almost always giving …show more content…

So, we often use some of our after-school free time to catch up with our mates, but with the hour and a half extra adding more school time to our day, this limits our social interaction with our friends and family. Now maybe we don’t want to spend this time talking with our close friends and family members, maybe we want to just sit back and relax for an evening and not have to worry about much-- this time extension can also strip us of that! It is a proven fact taking breaks while doing work can boost your work effort as well as relieve stress and anxiety-- this is vital relaxation time that is being deprived from us. We don’t get a lot of it already, so don’t take all of it away from

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