
Why Is It Important To Have Miranda Rights

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Your Rights and Wrongs Have you ever been arrested? If so, you should have had your Miranda rights read to you by the law officer. According to The Huffington Post, about 40% of men have been arrested by the age of 23. I think it’s very important for people to have their Miranda Rights read to them when they are being questioned. Most Americans do not really know or understand their Miranda rights. If they do not know their rights they could say or do something to hurt their case. They might also not know that they have the right to an attorney and that the state will give them an attorney if they cannot afford one. Also, if they did not know they had the right to remain silent, they could tell the law officer something that would make them sound guilty, or they might just word something incorrectly. If they didn't have a lawyer there with them at the time of questioning, they wouldn't have anybody there to advise them what to say and what not to say. They might unintentionally say something false or untrue that would hurt their case, or it might give the law …show more content…

For instance, your attorney probably has better judgment of the situation and is more objective. They are also not as emotional at the moment as you would be and can see the situation from an outsider’s point of view. The attorney probably knows better terminology and how to word things better than you. Many people believe that if they are arrested and not "read their rights," they can escape punishment. That’s not exactly true. If the officers do not read you your Miranda rights, in most cases the prosecutor can't use anything the suspect says as evidence at the trial. However, there are situations in which they can. Here is a real case I found on the internet that helped me better understand the importance of a person’s Miranda rights.This story came from

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